In geometry, an arbelos is a plane region bounded by three semicircles with three apexes such that each corner of each semicircle is shared with one of the others (connected), all on the same side of a straight line (the baseline) that contains their diameters.(Wikipedia)
Example 1 Bankoff's circle
In geometry, the Bankoff circle or Bankoff triplet circle is a certain Archimedean circle that can be constructed from an arbelos; an Archimedean circle is any circle with area equal to each of Archimedes' twin circles. The Bankoff circle was first constructed by Leon Bankoff in 1974.(Wikipedia)
\tkzSetUpCompass[color=orange,ultra thin,/tkzcompass/delta=10]
\tikzset{label style/.style={color=teal,font=\footnotesize}}
\tkzDefGoldenRatio(A,C) \tkzGetPoint{B}
\tkzDefMidPoint(A,C) \tkzGetPoint{O_1}
\tkzDefMidPoint(A,B) \tkzGetPoint{O_2}
\tkzDefMidPoint(B,C) \tkzGetPoint{O_3}
\tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center O_3 angle 90](C) \tkzGetPoint{P}
\tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center O_2 angle 90](B) \tkzGetPoint{Q}
\tkzDefIntSimilitudeCenter(O_1,A)(O_2,A) \tkzGetPoint{I_1}
\tkzDefIntSimilitudeCenter(O_1,A)(O_3,B) \tkzGetPoint{I_2}
\tkzInterLL(C,Q)(A,P) \tkzGetPoint{S}
\tkzInterLC(B,S)(O_1,A) \tkzGetSecondPoint{Z}
\tkzInterCC(I_1,A)(O_3,C) \tkzGetFirstPoint{Y}
\tkzInterCC(I_2,C)(O_2,A) \tkzGetSecondPoint{X}
\tkzDefCircle[circum](X,Y,Z) \tkzGetPoint{O_4}
\tkzDefCircle[circum](B,Y,X) \tkzGetPoint{O_5}
\tkzDrawSemiCircles[fill=teal!10,opacity=.2,teal](O_2,B O_3,C)